
ilovebrokenhill.com , was first published on 8 December 2011 by Jane Deany. My blog is all about the famous outback Australian National Heritage Listed City named Broken Hill, located in the state of New South Wales. I first visited #BrokenHill in 2002 and have returned many times since then. ilovebrokenhill.com will help you discover what's great about this historic mining city, where in the mid 1880's the line of lode, a rich ore body of silver, lead and zinc was found. You will find stories about anything related to Broken Hill.

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

RIP Beret from Menindee, my Broken Hill connection

Around nine years ago, I was staying in Broken Hill on one of my many visits. I was staying with a friend who had a little Maltese Shih Tzu cross dog called Bear (sp?). I was so taken with Bear that I thought I'd find out where he came from.

Turns out he came from Menindee. A little town 110 km south east of Broken Hill. I decided I'd go home via Menindee and see if there were any more little relatives of Bear.

I came across one last little pup from a litter, and bought my first ever dog, who was a cousin of Bear.

I named her Beret (semi named after Bear).

Very sadly, about a month ago, I had to have Beret put down due to health reasons.

Luckily I still have another dog named 'Who' whom I bought on the way home from another trip to Broken Hill about six years ago. That's another story.

You were a funny little dog Beret, with quirky habits and a lot of energy. My brother always said it was like she had drunk too much coffee.

Who and I miss you Beret. But we won't forget you.

So it's simply ... RIP Beret.

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