Broken Hill Chamber of Commerce Annual General Meeting 2014/15 will take place on Tuesday 29th September 2015 at...
— BH ChamberOfCommerce (@ChamberBH) September 25, 2015
I believe the Chamber of Commerce is always open for new members. It's a great way to help build a stronger business community.
Telephone 08 8087 2236.
This will be the 124th AGM and will be held at the Broken Hill Chamber of Commerce Board Room at 6.30pm. 164 Argent Street, #BrokenHill.
All members are welcome.
Earlier in the day the Small Biz Bus will be in town between 9am and 3pm in the Town Square. This is a service for small businesses to discuss and receive advice about any aspect of their business, from the Chamber's Small Biz Connect advisors.
Cheers, Jane Deany