
ilovebrokenhill.com , was first published on 8 December 2011 by Jane Deany. My blog is all about the famous outback Australian National Heritage Listed City named Broken Hill, located in the state of New South Wales. I first visited #BrokenHill in 2002 and have returned many times since then. ilovebrokenhill.com will help you discover what's great about this historic mining city, where in the mid 1880's the line of lode, a rich ore body of silver, lead and zinc was found. You will find stories about anything related to Broken Hill.

Friday, 8 December 2017

Same sex marriage receives royal assent today

Earlier today on 8 December 2017 the Australian Governor General Peter Cosgrove gave Royal Assent to the Same Sex Marriage bill after yesterday's historic vote in federal parliament and was passed into law. 

So whether you're in Broken Hill or anywhere in Australia, same sex marriage will now be legal.

At midnight (in one minute) the law will take complete effect.

The first marriages can take place in the second week of January 2018 as a couple needs to lodge a notice of intended marriage, a month before the marriage.

#historic #ssm #samesexmarriage #love


Jane Deany

I still love Broken Hill and my blog will continue into it's seventh year

Six years ago today I started www.ilovebrokenhill.com and you know what I still love visiting #BrokenHill and talking about this fabulous outback city.

Stay tuned as the coming year will be a more active one after taking a little time out from my regular blogging.


Jane Deany

Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Drag Bingo yes, you heard it #dragbingo. Where else but #BrokenHill

Shelita Buffet AKA Brendan Barlow (L) and
Christina Kneesup AKA Chris Harvey (R) calling
the bingo numbers at drag bingo in Broken Hill
Drag Bingo - Broken Hill

There's a regular thing happening monthly on a Tuesday night in downtown #BrokenHill.

What you might ask? It's 'drag bingo'.

Where you might ask? At The Palace Hotel Broken Hill no less. Or should I say - no surprise.

Tonight it was a full house and the room was buzzing and very colourful language was flying as the #bingo numbers were called.

If you're not into bingo, it might still be worth a look for something different to do. Everyone seemed to be having a great time.

Don't worry if you forgot your drag outfit, that's optional. The number callers more than make up for it.

I recognised local Palace Hotel staff member Brendan Barlow (red head) AKA Shelita Buffet. Her 'fellow' bingo caller (assistant?) is Chris Harvey AKA Christina Kneesup.

Cheers, Jane Deany

Saturday, 8 July 2017

Pro Hart Outback Art Prize exhibition #BrokenHill until 13 August 2017

The winners of the annual Pro Hart Outback Art Prize were announced on the exhibition's opening night Friday 30 June 2017, and the exhibition runs until 13 August 2017.

Congratulations to the winning artist Abdul-Rahman Abdullah with his distinctive piece 'Footprint'.

Kristin Haskett's 'untitled' work won second prize.

Andre Schmidt won the encouragement award with 'River-Flats Evening'.

This year the judge was art journalist Kon Gouriotis.

Two hundred and sixty four entrants 'addressed' the theme 'outback'. From these, 43 finalists were chosen.

Here's a link the ABC Broken Hill's report about the opening night. I was lucky enough to attend the awards opening night two years ago and it is one of the social calendar highlights for #BrokenHill.

The prize has been renamed from 'Outback Open Art Prize' to 'Pro Hart Outback Art Prize' to honour Pro Hart and his family's contribution to the arts. Pro's wife Mrs Raylee J Hart and the Broken Hill City Council generously support the prize.

Cheers, Jane Deany

Monday, 3 July 2017

Our Languages Matter - NAIDOC 2017 in #BrokenHill and #Australia wide

2017 NAIDOC week has begun. It runs from 2 - 9 July 2017.

This year's theme - 'Our languages matter'.

"The importance, resilience and richness of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages will be the focus of national celebrations marking NAIDOC Week 2017."


Jane Deany

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

International Women's Day 2017 in Broken Hill includes Gaara Arts exhibition at Broken Hill Regional Art Gallery

Art Scene
On this International Women's Day 2017, in Broken Hill recognition of women includes Gaara Arts' exhibition 'Out of the Zone - Gaara Arts Cabinet Exhibition' at Broken Hill's fabulous Regional Art Gallery.

Who is Gaara Arts you might ask? It's Broken Hill's all women art group.

See link here for details about the exhibition together with several other current exhibitions, which include the Far West Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Prize.



Jane Deany

Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Broken Hill tourist season hots up 1 March 2017 when weather cools ...

Sign on the Silver City Highway heading
north after Wentworth.

Tomorrow, 1 March 2017 is ...

the beginning of the annual tourist season in Broken Hill, so start planning your trip to Australia's first heritage listed city now.

Autumn is one of the best times to visit #BrokenHill as the summer heat starts to fade.

The picture at left is a sign you should encounter on the Silver City Highway as you head north from Melbourne, Mildura and/or Wentworth towards Broken Hill, AKA the Silver City.

Cheers, enjoy your trip and I recommend more than a one night stay as there's so much to see and do.

Jane Deany

Sunday, 1 January 2017

Happy New Year 2017 Broken Hill and everyone - it's all about time today

Happy New Year for 2017. Today is all about the passing of time. One interesting fact about Broken Hill is that although the city is situated in New South Wales which runs on Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT), #BrokenHill actually uses Australian Central Daylight Time (ACDT), the time zone used by South Australia. The reason being that the city is relatively close to the South Australian border and the nearest capital city is the South Australian city of Adelaide.

Silver City Highway, 40 km south of Broken Hill
When you drive north up the 683 km Silver City Highway, about 40 km south of Broken Hill you will come across a sign, see pictured, advising that you should turn back your clock/watch by half an hour.

Broken Hill is unique in Australia because of this arrangement.

I remember my second trip to Broken Hill on New Year's Eve 2005-6. It was fun for me to be able to celebrate two New Year's Eves, the first one back home in Melbourne Victoria which is another one of the Australian states using the Australian Eastern Daylight Time, and then half an hour later, celebrating again with everyone else in Broken Hill.

That's a little bit of trivia about Broken Hill to start 2017.

Happy New Year everyone.

Cheers, Jane Deany