
ilovebrokenhill.com , was first published on 8 December 2011 by Jane Deany. My blog is all about the famous outback Australian National Heritage Listed City named Broken Hill, located in the state of New South Wales. I first visited #BrokenHill in 2002 and have returned many times since then. ilovebrokenhill.com will help you discover what's great about this historic mining city, where in the mid 1880's the line of lode, a rich ore body of silver, lead and zinc was found. You will find stories about anything related to Broken Hill.

Sunday, 28 December 2014

Federation Way Broken Hill re-opens Saturday 27 December 2014

Federation Way in Broken Hill is the road that takes visitors and locals alike up the famous Line of Lode to the Miner's Memorial, Big Bench (and Broken Earth cafe complex-currently closed).

The road has been closed for seven months as it needed some major repairs. There were also issues with insurance to be sorted out.
Finally, it re-opened yesterday (well according to the local Barrier Daily Truth newspaper 25 December 2014 issue).

It's really great news for tourists and locals alike.

I was visiting the City earlier this month but unfortunately couldn't get up there, much to my disappointment. There was one way, but you had to pay for a tour around town to do it.

I believe the tour was a half day commitment - I guess you could always hop off after you'd been up there, but normally it's free access, so it was an expensive way to do it, and of course the time had to suit you too.

The Big Bench, Miner's Memorial (centre), Broken Earth
complex (left) and me. All on top of the Line of Lode and
all attractions accessed via Federation Way, Broken Hill
On this last trip to Broken Hill, a freelancer from the Lonely Planet was also in 'town'. We caught up several times. She's actually from Melbourne and it was her first trip to #BrokenHill.

She told me she thought of doing the tour, just to make the journey up the Line of Lode, but as mentioned, there were those restrictions so I'm not sure if she managed to visit in the end.

Anyhow, I'm very glad it has or will re-open any minute (as I'm not there, I'm not sure. Just reporting what the paper said).

Definitely it's a must for a visitor.

Enjoy the view as well.

Cheers, Jane Deany

Thursday, 18 December 2014

Festival of Lights, Happy Hanukkah 2014 from www.ilovebrokenhill.com

Hanukkah Menorah, image from Wikipedia
We are in the midst of the Jewish festival of Hanukkah right now.  Hanukkah in 2014 is being celebrated between sunset of Tuesday 16th until nightfall on Wednesday 24th of December.

The corresponding dates in the Hebrew calendar are 25 Kislev to 2 or 3 Tevet in the year 5773.

This eight day festival and holiday is a story involving revolution and miracles. Here is a simple, 'Hanukkah 2014: Dates, Rituals, History and How-To's For Celebrating The Festival of Lights' article from the Huffington Post website - see also link here.

I wish everyone who is celebrating the Festival of Lights, be they in Broken Hill or anywhere around the world, a wonderful celebration.

Happy Hanukkah, cheers, Jane D

Monday, 8 December 2014

www.ilovebrokenhill.com 3 year anniversary today. I still love #BrokenHill !

I've just returned from a fantastic week in #BrokenHill celebrating my www.ilovebrokenhill.com blog's three year anniversary which is today.

Here's a tweet with an image of me from the trip. It's actually taken on the Broken Hill train station with the famous Indian Pacific train in the background, and an impressive Royal Flying Doctor model aircraft display vehicle immediately behind me.
Me with the Indian Pacific train at Christmas concert
The train was in Broken Hill on the annual Christmas concert trip where there was a performance by well known band 'Chocolate Starfish' as well as a local school choir.

There were big crowds for the 7.20am start concert and it was a lot of fun and a lovely sunny warm day.

There's always something going on in Broken Hill.

I think one of the main reasons I love Broken Hill is because I always have a great time, every time I visit, and this trip was no exception. I had a fantastic time, and there's still plenty of things to write about, especially after this very action-packed and busy trip.

Cheers, Jane Deany

Sunday, 30 November 2014

Broken Hill's art scene still active and vibrant - exhibitions aplenty

Back L-R me with local mosaic artist Julie Horsburgh,
front L-R Angela with local GAARA artist Maureen Clark,
with an artwork by BHRAG's Ian Howarth which is
being raffled. I hope I win.
Art Scene
BrokenHill Regional Art Gallery (BHRAG) hosted another series of openings on Friday night 28 November, and I was lucky enough to be there this time.

It was my first trip to Broken Hill this year and it was great to be back.

Four exhibitions were officially opened on the night with Broken Hill City Councillor Christine Adams the official guest to open the exhibitions, supported by BHRAG's Manager Cathy Farry.

Exhibition One
"Objects and Energies" featuring Australian-based Joyce Hinterding, US-based Linda Matalon and the highly influential American artist Agnes Martin.

Their extraordinary works display similarities but also exhibit quite divergent approaches. What they do share is an engagement in the repetition of certain forms, the process of marking time and delineating space and ideas on the infinite through recurring visual codes.

L-R Cr Christine Adams and Cathy Farry, with several Joyce Hinterding works in the background
This is a National Art School exhibition touring through the support of Museums and Galleries of NSW. This project was supported through an Artist or Curator in Residence grant. The Artist or Curator in Residence Grant Program is supported by the Copyright Agency Limited's Cultural Fund, and is managed by Museums and Galleries of NSW.

Exhibition Two
Also opening was the “Our Land Speaking” exhibition of sculptures and drawings from Aboriginal artists from Menindee and Broken Hill. The exhibition was funded by a grant from the Thankakali Aboriginal Corporation.

Exhibition Three
The annual HSC Exhibition also opened. This exhibition showcases the fabulous art and photographic work of the Broken Hill and the regions's year 12 students.

Exhibition Four
Finally, the finalists in the “Our Place” sister cities photography exhibition also featured in the line-up. Broken Hill's sister city is Bankstown. The competition's winners were also announced.

Details are below and on the gallery's webpage - www.bhartgallery.com.au

404-408 Argent Street, Broken Hill

Monday – Friday 10am-5pm
Saturday/Sunday and most public holidays 11am-4pm

Broken Hill's famous Line of Lode at sunset, taken as I rushed to the next gallery opening that night
Another opening!
As is often the case in Broken Hill, there was another art exhibition opening on the same night across town in South Broken Hill at the Broken Hill Art Exchange (BHAE).

Marilyn Lannstrom at the BHAE
by Darrin Manuel - Barrier Daily Truth (BDT)
This is the first exhibition for Marilyn Lannstrom, and is part of the Festival of Respect.

I know Marilyn's sister, talented local artist Karrie Lannstrom, whom I met in Broken Hill a couple of years ago.

Marilyn's exhibition is titled -

'A Tourist Destination'

and the subjects are of attractions in and around Broken Hill.

Obviously artistic talent runs in the Lannstrom family, if Marilyn's first exhibition is anything to go by. Although I missed the official opening, as most people had gone home (well I was late), I still managed to have a look at the artworks, and am seriously considering making a purchase myself! That's the danger of going to art exhibitions and openings.

There are 24 paintings (acrylic on canvas) for sale ranging in price from $100 - $350.

I caught up with a few people after the show, including BHAE manager Susan Thomas. Unfortunately Marilyn had left for the evening, but I hope to meet her in the coming week back at the gallery. Marilyn was pleased to have sold a couple of pieces on the night. I expect that number will increase. Her exhibition continues for two weeks.

Some of Marilyn Lannstrom's works at the Broken Hill Art Exchange

145-157 Duff Street Park Artist Centre, South Broken Hill

Open daily during exhibition 10am – 4pm

28 November until Sunday 14 December 2014

All exhibitions are worth checking.

Cheers, Jane Deany

Friday, 28 November 2014

If you're not from Broken Hill, you're from 'away'!

A visitor from Away!

I was on a training course this week and I met a lovely lady called Tess who was in my 'class'. I happened to mention to her that I was about to visit Broken Hill and that I also had a website called www.ilovebrokenhill.com. Tess mentioned she had visited Broken Hill in June this year. More to the point, and not surprisingly, she said she'd had a really wonderful time.

The most photographed sculpture at sunset
Like me, she loved all the art and galleries. She mentioned that she really enjoyed visiting the famous Pro Hart Gallery amongst others. She also loved the Broken Hill Regional Art Gallery and the Sculptures at the fantastic sculpture symposium. She was impressed with the jewellery at Tanya Marie Reeves - Art Confessions gallery, which is a gallery in Argent Street, Broken Hill's main street.

Tess was amazed to find the city was a lot bigger than she had imagined. She thought that there would just be 'dust and boulders'. She was impressed with the range of restaurants, and during her four days visiting Broken Hill she dined in various places including my current favourite, The Palace Hotel. She actually thought there would only be takeaway places.

I wasn't surprised to hear Tess say that everyone she came across was very friendly and helpful, and that given her accent, people knew she wasn't a local and they went out of their way to make her feel welcome.

I told her that she would be described as someone who was from 'away', which is the term Broken Hill'ites use for non locals ... like me!

If you've visited Broken Hill, it would be great to hear what you liked about the city. Feel free to comment below.

Cheers, Jane Deany

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Women Out West Conference, Expo and Awards 28-29 November 2014

Community Event
Women Out West is a networking group which provides women from Orana, Central West and Far West regions of NSW (including Broken Hill), the opportunity to increase their personal and business networks.

I came across the Women Out West (WOW) group courtesy of an interesting story I read on the blog www.bushbelles.blogspot.com.auabout an upcoming event WOW is holding in Dubbo, NSW, on 28-29 November 2014.

BushBelles is a fantastic, female focused blog which publishes content from a variety of bloggers. I've written about BusBelles before

The blog describes itself in the 'About Me' section, as a blog
  • 'for rural women who want to be informed, inspired and instyle'.
www.ilovebrokenhill.com has been proud to become one of the bloggers who's content gets published via the blog.

Enough of all this, onto the list of finalists which naturally include a few Broken Hill locals.

There are a number of award categories - 15 in all.

I've listed each category below and included the names of the #BrokenHill finalists -

Women Out West Awards 2014 Finalists

Outstanding Carer (caring with love and compassion)

Outstanding Aboriginal Leadership (inspiring generosity of spirit)

Taunoa Bugmy image courtesy

Taunoa Bugmy      (Broken Hill)

Diane McNaboe      (Brocklehurst)

Trixie Watts      (Dubbo)

Donna Kennedy      (Broken Hill)

Grace Toomey      (Dubbo)

Christine Corby     (Walgett)

Donna Kennedy image courtesy
Barrier Daily Truth
Outstanding Inspirational Leadership (bringing out the best in others)

Outstanding Integrated Family and Business (enriching family and business life)

Outstanding Family Leadership (loving dedication)

Outstanding Achievement (self-empowering)

Outstanding Community Leadership (inspirational heart)

Ellie Brown     (Orange)
Melissa Clow     (Dubbo)
Sue Egan         (Dubbo)
Barbara Carter     (Dubbo)
Ellen Day         (Broken Hill)** (apologies, can't find an image of Ellen Day)
Barbara O'Brien     (Dubbo)
Joan Treweeke     (Lightning Ridge)
Katrina Virgoe     (Cobar)
Janelle Whitehead     (Dubbo)

Outstanding Organisation (extraordinary support for regional women)

Outstanding Young Entrepreneur (innovative spirit)

Outstanding Woman Employee (uplifting the spirit)

Outstanding Optimism (lighting up the world)

Outstanding Achievement in Sport (commitment and enthusiasm)

Outstanding Arts and Creativity (creativity and passion)

Outstanding Lifetime Achievement (inspiring others)

Here's a link to the WOW website - www.wownetwork.org.au

Here's a link to all the finalists - www.wownetwork.org.au/finalists

Good luck to all the finalists, especially the Broken Hill entrants.

Cheers, Jane Deany

Saturday, 8 November 2014

NFSA visits Broken Hill 7-9 November 2014 for Big Screen Film Festival

Community Event

The National Film and Sound Archive’s Big Screen Film Festival is in Broken Hill for its final tour, so there will be films aplenty this weekend to celebrate 100 years of film in Broken Hill.

All in all, the festival will premiere five new Australian films plus a selection of ABC Open films, including contributor Ray Denton's first ever production!
The opening night on Friday, saw festival goers enjoy a glass of wine at the Broken Hill Regional Art Gallery in Argent Street before heading around the corner to the Silver City Cinema for the 6.30pm screening of the local premiere of 'When the Queen Came to Town' plus the NFSA’s footage of the Queen’s 1954 Broken Hill tour.
Ray Denton's film 'Outback Planetary Science' screened on Saturday at 7pm before sci-fi thriller 'Predestination'.
The Sunday Morning screening of the new 'Maya the Bee' movie should suit all the family.

At the Sunday matinee screening of 100 Years of Film in Broken Hill, will provide the opportunity to spot your grandparents on the big screen and win prizes!

Venue and ticketing information
Silver City Cinema
41-45 Oxide Street
Broken Hill NSW 2880
Ph: 08 8087 4569
With films all weekend, it sounds like there'll be a lot to keep visitors and locals alike busy in Broken Hill.

Cheers Jane Deany

Friday, 31 October 2014

Lots of light in Broken Hill - exciting new AJ+C project for the City

AJ+C Architects posted some interesting Broken Hill news on their Facebook Page. See article in the embedded AJ+C Facebook Post below.

Keep your eye on this exciting and ambitious plan for Broken Hill.

(Note: this post is based upon a Facebook Post from 'architectsajc'  (AJ+C)'s Facebook Page which ilovebrokenhill.com's Facebook Page shared. If you can't see it, you may need to be logged into your Facebook Personal Profile).

Cheers, Jane Deany.

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Palace Hotel #BrokenHill has same architect #AlfredDunn as my local Uniting Church

The Palace Hotel
Argent Street, Broken Hill
While surfing Twitter for #BrokenHill stories and news recently, I found a curious connection to my local suburb of Hawthorn.

It turns out that the architect of the very impressive local Auburn Uniting Church (in Hawthorn East) is the same architect as Broken Hill's The Palace Hotel.

The styles appear different but so is the purpose of both buildings so I guess it's not surprising that there would be some difference in their appearance.

Auburn Uniting Church

It's a slightly obscure connection between Broken Hill and my suburb of Hawthorn, but hey, it's a connection nonetheless, which is why I thought it was of interest.

Here's the tweet which drew my attention to the link.
Great to hear them acknowledge in this way, Broken Hill's progress towards becoming Australia's first Heritage city.

That's an exciting journey for Broken Hill which I'm watching with interest.

Cheers, Jane Deany

Saturday, 18 October 2014

Aboriginal Skies a free talk by Paul Curnow - Outback Astronomy - 22 October 2014

Community Event
Outback Astronomy is putting on a special event in Broken Hill on 22 October 2014.

'Aboriginal Skies' is a free community event which will see guest presenter Paul Curnow delivering an insightful discussion on how the world's first astronomers interpreted the night sky.

The event has a limited number of spaces and a booking must be made by contacting Robinson College on 08 8087 6022.

Here is a link to more information about the event -

Paul is a council member of the Astronomical Society of South Australia and has been a lecturer at the Adelaide Planetarium since 1992.

He is regarded as one of the world's leading authorities on Aboriginal night sky knowledge.

The free event is sponsored by Inspiring Australia and the NSW Government.

Inspiring Australia (www.inspiringaustralia.net.au) is a national strategy for science engagement.

Time - 7.30pm - 9pm

When - 22 October 2014

Where - Outback Astronomy at the Racecourse - Racecourse Road, Broken Hill.


Bookings - Robinson College on 08 8087 6022.

Following the discussion there will be the opportunity for some star gazing to show some of the objects mentioned by Paul.

The event coincides with the launch of the Far West Science Hub.

Sounds like a really interesting night. There is always something fascinating going on in #BrokenHill.

Cheers, Jane Deany

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Mental Health Week 5-12 October & World Mental Health Day 10 October 2014 #WMHD2014

Community Event
It's Mental Health Week this week, and the dates are -

Mental Health Week 5 - 12 October 2014

So we're right in the middle of this special week.

Australia's ABC TV station has been doing a fantastic job of promoting good mental health but way of covering the topic regularly over this week on all their channels, using the slogan and campaign 'mentalas' talk.give.seek there is a feast of information and stories surrounding mental health.

It is also 'World Mental Health Day' in a couple of days. This event is repeated each year on the 10th of October 2014, and the overall objective of the day is to raise awareness about mental health issues around the world and mobilizing efforts in support of mental health. #WMHD2014

The day provides an opportunity for all stakeholders working on mental health issues to talk about their work, and what more needs to be done to make mental health care a reality for people worldwide.

The theme for World Mental Health Day 2014 #WMHD2014 is 'Living with Schizophrenia'.

Broken Hill has it's own Lifeline office. Details are -

194 Argent Street, Broken Hill NSW 2880

Telephone (08) 8087 7525


The main 24/7 crisis number for Lifeline is -

Lifeline 24/7 crisis number is 13 11 14

Wishing everyone good mental health, cheers, Jane Deany

Sunday, 28 September 2014

Broken Hill Silver City Cup is coming up! 25 October 2014

Community Event
The ever popular Silver City Cup in Broken Hill is just under four weeks away, so it would be a great time to visit the city around this time. Hopefully you might still be able to book some accommodation as well if you're not a local.

Silver City Cup
25 October 2014
Broken Hill

I came across this Instagram picture by Broken Hill blogger Katie Bolton www.kateiswriting.blogspot.com.

Silver City Cup 2013

Here's Kate's Tweet about her image which she posted on 26 October 2013.

I still haven't made it to Broken Hill's second biggest race meeting - the Silver City Cup (and the only other race meeting apart from the major event of the year - the St Patrick's Day races in March each year).

Readers would love to hear what you think of it if you're lucky enough to have been to the Cup.

Happy punting and just enjoy having a good day of racing fun.

Cheers, Jane Deany

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Shanah Tovah ... Happy Jewish New Year, it's Rosh Hashanah 2014

Source www.freeclipart.com
Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, falls on the first two days of the Hebrew calendar - dates are 1 and 2 Tishrei.

Shanah Tovah

In 2014, the coinciding secular dates are sundown September 24 until sundown September 26.

Rosh Hashanah

I wish the Jewish Community of Broken Hill, Melbourne and around the world, a very Happy New Year.

I hope it is a wonderful year for you.

Cheers, Jane Deany

Thursday, 18 September 2014

ilovebrokenhill loves the BushBelles blog. It's a blog to watch and enjoy ...

BushBelles blog came to my attention as I've explored topics to write about for ilovebrokenhill.com .

With numerous bloggers embraced on this site, I was pleased that www.ilovebrokenhill.com was allowed to be a contributor.

Under the heading 'Fabulous Rural Blogs',  a number of bloggers posts and stories are collected in one place as they feed into the BushBelles blog.

Whether you are looking for a story about Broken Hill or more particularly things that fall under the heading "rural women who want to be informed, inspired and instyle", you would be surprised at the range of interesting stories that are published via the #BushBelles blog.

BushBelles blog ...

"rural women who want to be 

informed, inspired and instyle"

I should note that although many of the topics are female focused, a number of the stories have a broader appeal.

With a Twitter account @BushbellesPinterest/Bushbelles account, Facebook page and Instagram account, you can follow BushBelles in a variety of ways, and of course you can subscribe for RSS and by email as well.

The official website link is below.

I recommend BushBelles blog and it often covers stories that relate to or are about #BrokenHill.

Check it out, happy reading, cheers, Jane Deany

Thursday, 11 September 2014

R U OK?Day is 11 September 2014 help prevent suicide

Community Event/Community Day

Today is R U OK?Day.

The event is designed to help prevent suicide.

It was founded in 2009 by the late Gavin Larkin, in memory of his father who committed suicide in 1995.

Here's the YouTube interview with Gavin which explains the history of R U OK?Day.


So wherever you are, Broken Hill, Melbourne, Australia, the world all over, please don't forget to ask those around you from time to time, are you okay? - R U OK?

Even if someone looks fine, they just might be depressed, and even on the verge of suicide.

Please don't forget if you aren't okay, you can call Lifeline's 24 hour 7 days a week crisis line on -

13 11 14

or in an emergency, if life is in danger, call  000

Alternatively, do speak to your GP, a friend or family member.

Ask for help, it's out there.

Stay well, cheers, Jane Deany

Monday, 8 September 2014

Broken Hill by Victorian traveller Rod Faithfull

I found a great article by Rod Faithfull of Bairnsdale (Victoria) about his trip to Broken Hill in 2013. I think he had a pretty good time by the sounds of his blog post.

Here's the link to it below which I saw on www.startsatsixty.com.au 


'Starts At 60' is 'The online community for active over 60s'. Now I'm not over 60, not that there's anything wrong with being over 60, but if you are, it sounds like it could be a site worth 'subscribing' to for updates etc...

Here's a link to their Twitter account '@startsatsixty'. 

They have a travel section on the site as well.

Cheers, Jane Deany

Thursday, 28 August 2014

Tumbleweed terrorises (Broken Hill) town blog post by Ethan James

I came across a great blog earlier this month. The blog is published by Ethan James who is a journalist with Broken Hill's Barrier Daily Truth (BDT) newspaper.

Twitter is a great place to research information on countless topics, and via a search using #BrokenHill, I found Ethan's quirky blog post about a 'Tumbleweed terrorises town', the town being Broken Hill (of course!).

I've placed a link to Ethan's blog post which was published 21 May 2014, here and below. Not surprisingly he's categorised it under 'humour'!


Thanks for your entertaining blog Ethan!

Cheers, Jane Deany

Monday, 18 August 2014

National Science Week Outback Astronomy event 24 August 2014 Broken Hill

Community Event
As part of Science Week, which runs from 16 and 24 August 2014, Outback Astronomy is holding a special event at Robinson College this coming Sunday, 24 August 2014.

Science Week is an Australian Government Initiative. You can find out more information about this and other events, plus lots of other information on their website here http://www.scienceweek.net.au/

Outback Astronomy is holding the event in partnership with the RDA Far West NSW and Robinson College Broken Hill.

Space and astronomy

The Science Week website tells us that -

"A special Western and Aboriginal Astronomy presentation will be held to entertain and inform the general public in Broken Hill. It will demonstrate how science and cultural concepts can be combined to create innovative opportunities in future science studies and astro-tourism careers." *

*Taken from 'http://www.scienceweek.net.au/special-outback-astronomy-presentation/

Details are as follows -

Date - Sunday 24 August 2014

Time - 7 pm - 10 pm

Venue - Robinson College
Wentworth Road, Broken Hill NSW 2880

Theme - Space and astronomy

Cost - Free

Outback Astronomy Contact - Linda Nadge - 0418 858 076

Email - linda@chanegeagentnb.com.au

Other - Wheelchair access

See also an article here about the event from Outback Astronomy's website -


Enjoy, cheers, Jane Deany

Friday, 8 August 2014

Broken Hill Chamber of Commerce networking opportunity Friday 8 August - Demo Club

Broken Hill Chamber of Commerce (BHCC) will launch its Business After Five Club this evening at the Demo Club later today. The event should soon become a regular fixture for local businesses to network.

I am a huge fan of networking. It can lead to so many positive outcomes for your business and/or social life. It's also great for meeting people who share a love of your particular passion, hobby or sport.

... Business After Five Club ...

Tonight, from 5pm, you will have the chance to network with fellow Broken Hill business operators to share ideas and create alliances. Hopefully enhancing the outcome for both parties (the best form of networking).

As well as networking, Small Biz Connect Advisor Fran Savage will speak about this new Broken Hill business support 'presence'.

The event will provide an opportunity for business advisors to meet Fran and learn how the program can drive business success and increase economic sustainability in the region.

The venue is the The Barrier Social Democratic Club at -

218 Argent Street, Broken Hill NSW 2880

Cost is free for BHCC members and Small Biz Connect Clients, and $10 for non members.

Small Biz Connect event ...

Links to further information/media coverage of the recent contract between BHCC and Small Biz Connect are below -

Barrier Daily Truth - 26 July 2014 -

Small Business NSW - media release 9 July 2014 (www.smallbusiness.nsw.gov.au) -

Broken Hill Chamber of Commerce Inc Facebook page - announcement 11 February 2014 -

Bookings can still be made via Fran Savage, advisor, from Small Biz Connect or Anne Bransdon from BHCC on 08 8087 2236.

BHCC and Small Biz Connect's address is 164 Argent Street, Broken Hill, NSW 2880

Get connecting, cheers, Jane Deany

Monday, 4 August 2014

Black Dog Ride 2014 visited Broken Hill to raise awareness of depression

The Black Dog Ride is an annual motorbike ride, designed to raise awareness of depression, in an effort to stop suicide and help people deal with depression.

Black Dog Ride founder Steve Andrews started the event in 2009 after his best mate Jack Michael's wife Anna committed suicide. Steve's own mother had also committed suicide.

Suicide Call Back Service
is 1300 659 467

"At the wake of Anna Michael, Steve felt the need to raise community awareness of depression, to create a national conversation so that people living with mental ill health feel able to talk about and seek help."

The above is an excerpt from Steve's website www.blackdogride.com.au under the about section -


On Steve's first solo ride around Australia in 2009 (now many riders make the trip), he took a black soft toy dog named Winston.

Winston was named after former UK Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965) who first used the term 'black dog' to describe his own depression, many years ago.

Steve raised $34,000 on that first ride, and the money was used to support the 'Suicide Call Back Service'.

In brief, the service provides immediate telephone counselling and support in a crisis.

Suicide Call Back Service's website is www.suicidecallbackservice.org.au/ where you can find out more information about this very important service.

The number for Suicide Call Back Service is 1300 659 467. This is a 24/7 service, and has an online facility as well.

As groups of motorcyclists travel around Australia, and around various states in state rides as well, the Black Dog Ride, NSW group ride visited Broken Hill last week on 30-31 July 2014.

... Suicide Call Back Service
is a 24/7 service ...

The riders took over the sign of 'The Black Lion' Inn and renamed it 'The Black Dog' Inn.

Here's their tweet about it -
Another depression and anxiety mental health service, which also assists people in a mental health crisis is Beyond Blue - www.beyondblue.org.au . Their 24 hour help line is 1300 22 4636.

Safe riding, cheers, Jane Deany