
ilovebrokenhill.com , was first published on 8 December 2011 by Jane Deany. My blog is all about the famous outback Australian National Heritage Listed City named Broken Hill, located in the state of New South Wales. I first visited #BrokenHill in 2002 and have returned many times since then. ilovebrokenhill.com will help you discover what's great about this historic mining city, where in the mid 1880's the line of lode, a rich ore body of silver, lead and zinc was found. You will find stories about anything related to Broken Hill.

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Broken Hill’s Desert Equinox Solar Art Exhibition September 2012

Thunderbolt by Bonita Ely
@ Coles, 234 Patton St Broken Hill
Art Scene
Between September 1st and 23rd 2012, Broken Hill is hosting a Desert Equinox Solar Art Exhibition.  The event is timed to coincide with the 2012 spring equinox.

Approximately 26 site-specific solar powered artworks by Australian and International artists can be found scattered across ten sites in Broken Hill.  Artists have come from Canada, Germany, New Zealand, Peru and the UK.  There are also several Australian artisits involved.

Bells Milk Bar &
source commons.wikimedia.org
The exhibition opened yesterday at 5.00pm, 1st September at Bells Milk Bar & Museum (pictured) in South Broken Hill.  From there one can circulate through to the other artworks on display.  Nearby artworks are installed at Patton Park, on South Coles corner and the empty block next to the South Broken Hill Hotel.

Sue Thomas from Desert Knowledge Australia and the Broken Hill Art Exchange, is the Equinox organiser.  She noted some of the other sites include the Broken Earth Café and the Olive Grove beside the South Broken Hill overpassAllan Giddy, who is the Equinox curator/director and whose exhibit has been set up in the Olive Grove said “the scale and potential of the exhibition makes it very exciting”.  Allan was quoted in the 'Barrier Daily Truth' on 27 August 2012 saying "Broken Hill was chosen because of its reputation as a supporter of the arts and for its arid surroundings and abundance of sunshine."  Georgie Payne-Loy is the Exhibitions Manager. 

The event is proudly sponsored/supported by power company AGL, The Environmental Research Initiative for Art (ERIA), College of Fine Arts - University of New South Wales, The Australian Research Council, Sydney Olympic Park Authority, Community Inc., Broken Hill Community Foundation, The Broken Hill Art Exchange, Desert Knowledge Australia - Outback Business Networks and Alco - Battery Sales.

The exhibition is thought to be the first of its kind.
For an exhibition map, catalogue and more information visit www.desertequinox.com

Margaret Paul reported for the ABC News on 30 August 2012 the following story "Solar festival to light up Broken Hill" about the event see here.

Noah Schultz-Byard of ABC Broken Hill filed the following report on 31 August 2012 titled "Silver City lights up with solar exhibition" see here.

Sounds fascinating.  Get the camera out!

Cheers, Jane D


  1. did you see the nat gooden signs in this show? can you give me any feedback?
    i would be really grateful....

    1. Hi Jeremy,
      Thanks for your query. I wasn't in Broken Hill at the time of the exhibition so I didn't see the exhibit. I've just returned from a long weekend in Broken Hill but I haven't managed to sight an image of the exhibit either. Will try & track something down if possible. I know the images were on facebook via a people's choice voting facility, but since voting is over, I've not been able to find that facebook page again. If I find out anything useful I'll let you know.
      Cheers, Jane D
