
ilovebrokenhill.com , was first published on 8 December 2011 by Jane Deany. My blog is all about the famous outback Australian National Heritage Listed City named Broken Hill, located in the state of New South Wales. I first visited #BrokenHill in 2002 and have returned many times since then. ilovebrokenhill.com will help you discover what's great about this historic mining city, where in the mid 1880's the line of lode, a rich ore body of silver, lead and zinc was found. You will find stories about anything related to Broken Hill.

Friday, 14 September 2012

Broken Hill's new Councillors - the final election results

Broken Hill Council Chambers
courtesy ABC Noah Schultz-Byard
Local Government          Breaking News 
It has been nearly a week since Saturday’s 2012 Local Government elections and at last the long wait is over. Final results for the Councillors were available at 10.37am today.  The people of Broken Hill have voted in the following candidates as their new councillors, and whilst most of them are familiar faces, there are three new Councillors - Jim Richards (Labor), Jim Nolan and Branko Licul (Labor).

Mayor Wincen Cuy
courtesy Council website

The Mayor Councillor position has already been announced earlier in the week with Mayor Wincen Cuy re-elected for a second term.

Out of 23 candidates, the nine winners are (names in bold are re-elected councillors) –

1 Darriea TURLEY (Labor)
2 DaveGALLAGHER (Independent) 
3 Peter BLACK *
4 Marion BROWNE (Labor)
5 Jim Richards (Independent)
7 Jim Nolan (Labor)
8 John GROENENDIJK (Independent)
9 Branko LICUL (Labor)

'New' Councillor
Peter Black courtesy ABC

*Peter Black was not on the most recent Council but he was previously mayor for a record 19 years from 1980 to 1999, before he went on to serve two terms as the State Government Labor MP for the seat of Murray Darling from 1999-2007.  Although he has obvious ties to the Labor Party, he was not a Labor Party candidate in this election.


Councillor Darriea Turley
courtesy Council Website
Councillor Dave Gallagher
courtesy Council Website

Councillor Marion Browne
courtesy Council Website

Councillor John Groenendijk
courtesy Council Website
Councillor Bob Algate
courtesy Council Website

Results were sourced from the Electoral Commission NSW.

I wish the new team of Councillors and Mayor Cuy every success for the challenges that lie ahead.

Cheers, Jane D

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