
ilovebrokenhill.com , was first published on 8 December 2011 by Jane Deany. My blog is all about the famous outback Australian National Heritage Listed City named Broken Hill, located in the state of New South Wales. I first visited #BrokenHill in 2002 and have returned many times since then. ilovebrokenhill.com will help you discover what's great about this historic mining city, where in the mid 1880's the line of lode, a rich ore body of silver, lead and zinc was found. You will find stories about anything related to Broken Hill.

Sunday, 31 May 2015

Free medico-legal workshop for health professionals in Broken Hill 3 June 2015

Are you a health professional? Do you live in the Broken Hill region?

If you answered yes to both those questions, then make a note in your diary for this Wednesday,

3 June 2015


There's a free medico-legal workshop for health professionals being run in #BrokenHill this Wednesday 3 June 2015.
MsAllyson Alker, Senior Risk Advisor - MDA National will present a-

Medico Legal Update
The session will focus on 'practical risk management'.

MDA National provides medical indemnity services.

The session is a professional development opportunity designed for -

GPs, Registrars, Hospital Doctors, Practice Nurses, Hospital Nurses, Allied Health staff, Primary Health staff, Dentists, other health professionals, administration and support staff.

My source - a Tweet from @RuralDoctorsAus
(Rural Doctors Association of Australia)

Time - 6.30pm registration and refreshments for 7pm presentation
Place - University Department of Rural Health (the University of Sydney)
Morgan Street, Broken Hill

More information about the event can be found via the Tweet, and the link below -

Session details -
Explanation of privacy and confidentiality obligations for medical practitioners
  • Professional and personal obligations
  • What information can you share
    • Other healthcare providers/organisations
    • Family/carers

Maintaining good records
  • Content
  • Using acronyms
  • Time savers

Dealing with a request for access to medical records
  • Limitations to access
  • Alternatives
  • Third party requests i.e. insurers, workers compensation
  • Subpoenas

The online space
  • Telehealth
  • Social media
  • Using electronic devices to share information

This session will include case studies and a 20 minute question and answer session.

Bookings/registration by Monday 1 June 2015 via email to Natalie Miani at Far West NSW Medicare Local - nmiani@fwml.com.au (fax 08 8087 9806)

Provide Name, Practice/Facility, Email, Contact No (mobile preferred) and Dietary requirements.

Cheers, Jane Deany

Thursday, 28 May 2015

Arts NSW - Arts & Cultural Development Program info session Broken Hill - 29 May 2015

Arts & Grants
Find out more about 'The Arts and Cultural Development Program' (ACDP) tomorrow when Arts NSW visits Broken Hill.

The ACDP is the NSW Government's major grants program for arts and culture. Arts NSW administers the program on behalf of the NSW Government (and falls under the 'Trade & Investment' 'branch' of the NSW state government.)

Bookings are essential.

For more information follow the link in this Retweet (RT) {which is where I spotted the info} from @RegionalArtsNSW (or the above links) -
(Original Tweet from @ArtsNSW).

If you can't make the #BrokenHill session tomorrow, they're in Dubbo as well on that day. Staff have been touring other NSW regions and you can find out where on that same website. (Today they're in Tamworth & Wollongong). Newcastle is also slated for a visit with the date to be confirmed.

Bookings/registration essential.
Details for the Broken Hill session are-

Friday 29 May 2015
Venue: Broken Hill Regional Art Gallery, 404-408 Argent Street, Broken Hill
Session time: 10am-11.30am
Register your name, the name of your organisation (if applicable), and the session you will be attending by emailing admin@westdarlingarts.com.au or
Phone 08 8087 9035.

Cities/towns already visited include Lismore (28 April), Moruya (21 May), Wagga Wagga (21 May), Bega (22 May) and Armidale yesterday (27 May).

Sounds like a great opportunity to find out about how obtain some kind of funding.

Cheers, Jane Deany   @JaneDeany@ilovebrokenhill & @ArtofBrokenHill

Monday, 18 May 2015

More good solar news in the Broken Hill region

It was great to read that the solar plant on the edge of Silverton, in the Broken Hill region was starting to take shape.

The plant, a joint initiative between AGL, First Solar and the Australian Government, will reportedly cost approximately $150 million.

ABC Broken Hill reported the story earlier this month. Here's the link to the article by Alexandra Back - http://www.abc.net.au/local/photos/2015/05/08/4232122.htm

Alexandra put it very well by describing that Broken Hill is transitioning from a Silver City to a Solar City.

Here's a Tweet that includes an image from the story 
could add that Broken Hill's also transitioning more and more to a tourism city, what with the National Heritage City Listing in January this year. But that's another story, and there is still much to made of that significant development.

Anyhow, if you're interested in the solar journey (I first wrote about the proposal in November 2012), I think there's still plenty of room for further developments in that space as well, so stay tuned.

Cheers, Jane Deany

Friday, 8 May 2015

I love Broken Hill

Me at Broken Hill Station for the 2014 Indian Pacific Christmas concert
I think everyone knows I love Broken Hill.

Today's post will be my 290th article and I have a really simple message to share.

I am often asked do I get paid or receive money directly from this blog and the answer is no.

One day I might receive recompense in a monetary form, but I haven't really tried to make money directly from www.ilovebrokenhill.com.

The Palace Hotel Broken Hill has accommodated me briefly in the past, thanks again Esther La Rovere (I wrote a blog post on 24 September 2013 about my stay to thank The Palace Hotel team), and Outback Astronomy treated me as their guest for a wonderful night sky viewing late last year, thanks Linda and Travis Nadge. Linda wrote a blog post for www.ilovebrokenhill.com on 28 May 2014, as my first (and so far only) guest blogger on she and her husband's new astronomy tourism business. It was a great night.

So to answer the money making query another way is, as my blog revolves around loving something, namely Broken Hill, and a true demonstration of loving anything, as you may know, is about giving without expecting anything in return, therefore, I don't expect to make money from something I love!

Mind you, there's a saying - "do something you love and the money will follow" - but that's another story for another day ;-)

Cheers, Jane Deany