
ilovebrokenhill.com , was first published on 8 December 2011 by Jane Deany. My blog is all about the famous outback Australian National Heritage Listed City named Broken Hill, located in the state of New South Wales. I first visited #BrokenHill in 2002 and have returned many times since then. ilovebrokenhill.com will help you discover what's great about this historic mining city, where in the mid 1880's the line of lode, a rich ore body of silver, lead and zinc was found. You will find stories about anything related to Broken Hill.

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Silverton Wind Farm Community Consultative Committee - nominations now open

Okay, I have said this once before (8th May 2012 in fact), Silverton isn’t Broken Hill, but it is pretty close, just 25 kms down the road.  The locals in that very small town are currently concerned about AGL’s proposed wind farm.  I’m pretty sure many residents in Broken Hill are just as concerned so I was interested to see an advertisement in the “Barrier Daily Truth” on page 12 today.  The advertiser was AGL and it was about them announcing that, as part of a community engagement process for the proposed Silverton Wind Farm Project, they are in the process of establishing the Silverton Wind Farm Community Consultative Committee (CCC) and are inviting members of the community to register their interest in taking part.

wind turbines courtesy wikipedia
“The aim of the Silverton Wind Farm CCC is to help strengthen the community engagement process so that community issues can be addressed appropriately.”  It is a voluntary committee (initially meeting monthly) which will include various stakeholder and community representatives who have demonstrated an interest or connection to the project.  The meetings are to discuss planning developments as well as community issues and concerns regarding the project.  It will also provide an opportunity for the local community to work with the AGL project team to find solutions.

It is part of AGL’s acknowledgement that there are (to quote the ad) “some community concerns regarding development of the Silverton Wind Farm.”

There are more details in the ad regarding the opportunities the establishment of this local group will provide the community with.

It sounds like a very good idea.  I have already left my details to register (following a recorded message) via their Community Hotline.  If you are interested the number to call (free) is –

1800 039 600  Silverton Wind Farm CCC Community Hotline and they will send you a nomination form as well as further details.

Cheers, Jane D

Monday, 28 May 2012

Rex to fly Broken Hill to Melbourne from 9 July 2012 - great news for both cities and Mildura too!

I was delighted to read in the “Barrier Daily Truth” (BDT) last Wednesday 23 May 2012 the fantastic news that the regional airline rex aka Regional Express will add a new route to their service offering.  From 9 July 2012 passengers will be able to fly between Melbourne and Broken Hill, via Mildura.  The service will run once a day, each way, Monday through Saturday.  The cost of a one way trip is approximately $225 including taxes/gst.

Flights will depart from Melbourne at 4.25 pm (eastern standard time – EST) and arrive in Broken Hill at 6.40pm (central standard time - CST).  The return flight from Broken Hill will depart at 8.20 am CST and arrive in Melbourne at 11.40 am EST.

rex saab 340 courtesy wikipedia
Currently Melburnians who wish to fly to the Hill can only travel via Adelaide (which I’ve done) or Sydney – rex being the carrier, and I can say I was very happy with their service by the way.  Alternatively flying to Mildura (I’ve also done that) is an option (also via rex), but then you have to catch a bus or hire a car for the final 3-3.5 hour trip to Broken Hill.  The new service will be a real time saver as the drive to Broken Hill, some 840kms from Melbourne, is well over 9 hours, realistically closer to 10 hours with the necessary pit stops.

The idea has been talked about for years so it is really wonderful to hear that it is about to become a reality.  The BDT article indicated that the Broken Hill City Council had been in negotiations with rex for some months and had entered into a five year partnership with the airline.

The BDT article noted that there will also be an increase from two to three return flights a day from Sydney.

The Regional Express's press release can be seen here which includes timetable information on page 2.
The ABC’s coverage of the story can be read here.

Happy flying … I can’t wait to give the new service a try!

Cheers, Jane D

Saturday, 26 May 2012

Breast Cancer Support Group’s Fun Run/Walk Sunday 27th May 2012 – Sturt Park and see the Pink Ladies …

Breast Cancer Support Group’s Fun Run/Walk is on tomorrow, Sunday 27 May 2012 at Sturt Park. The event commences with registration from 7.30 am, with the actual walk/run starting at 8am. You can either walk or run the 1km, 3km or 5km course.

The entry cost is $5.

There will be prizes for first man and woman in the walk and run for each distance, oldest and youngest plus best dressed in pink.

There will also be a display of more than 100 pink lady silhouettes forming a show of support for women and families who have been effected by breast cancer. The pink ladies will be placed around Sturt Park (corner Sulphide and Wolfram Streets Broken Hill) and near the park’s Rotunda.

The Breast Cancer Network Australia “Mini-Field of Women” event and the pink ladies are designed to help raise awareness of breast cancer and pay tribute to those affected by breast cancer.

Definitely a worthwhile activity and pink pan-cakes will be on offer as well!

Jane D

Friday, 18 May 2012

Let’s talk about mining … the 2012 Resources and Energy Symposium – Broken Hill

from the BHGCC website
Mining Industry
Considering Broken Hill’s history with the famous mining company BHP (Broken Hill Proprietary Company Limited) starting its famous life in the city in 1885, it seems very fitting to hold the 2012 Resources and Energy Investment Symposium (RES2012) at the ‘Hill’.

After the inaugural event in the city in 2011 where there were 500 delegates, the 2012 Symposium kicks off on Monday 21st May and runs until the 23rd May. The venue is the 
Broken Hill Civic Centre, 60 Chloride Street, Broken Hill.

RES2012 “is a not for profit event which directs all event profits towards bursaries for students who are keen to join the industry but who may need support to enable them to continue their studies.”* There will be an inaugural Symposium Scholarship awarded at the 2012 Symposium.

In the lead up there will be the Great Australian Outback Golf Challenge on Sunday the 20th May, which will be held at The Broken Hill Golf and Country Club (BHGCC), Racecourse Road, Broken Hill. For non golfers and golfers, there will be a late afternoon BBQ at the 19th hole area.

In the words of the Symposium's website "blurb" the Symposium ...

What is it:

A 2.5 day symposium with key industry players, private investors and world class international speakers. Learn more about the resources and energy sector and how it impacts Australia’s future and the global economy.

Who should attend:

• Private investors who need to understand the opportunities and outlook for the resources and energy sector

• Organisations and individuals who generate income or wealth from the resources and energy sector

• Professional and Institutional Investors who need to understand the opportunities around resources and energy stocks

Why you should attend:

• Plenty of networking opportunities in the unique and more intimate environment of Broken Hill

• Stay ahead of the curve on what’s happening in the sector and how you can take advantage of any opportunities

• Hear from keynote speakers including the Minister for Resources and Energy, Sir Eric Neal and former Deputy PM of Australia, John Anderson and more

• Brokers and planners can earn CPD points

• Learn and play at the RES Gold Cup Camel Race, Australian Outback Golf Challenge, 19th Hole Drinks and BBQ, Welcoming Cocktails and Gala Dinner

On Tuesday 22nd May there will be the Gold Cup Camel race followed by the Runge (the Symposium’s major sponsor) Wild West Dinner, held at the Broken Hill Racecourse, 1a Racecourse Road, Broken Hill.

The whole event sounds a lot of fun and of course highly informative as well. I’d love to be there but I can’t make it. Maybe next year.

Cheers, Jane D

* Resources and Energy Investment Symposium – Broken Hill, Australia
21-23 May 2012 Sponsorship and Exhibition Prospectus 2012

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

AGL to visit Silverton to discuss proposed wind farm - 11 May 2012

Wind Turbines courtesy Wikipedia
Okay, it’s not quite Broken Hill, but it is the Hill’s nearest neighbour, just 25 kms from town.  I’m talking about Silverton.  There will be an information session regarding the proposed Silverton wind farm, at the Silverton War Memorial Youth Camp in Layard Street on Friday 11th May 2012 between 4.40 pm and 7.30 pm.  Representatives from AGL will meet with interested parties to discuss AGL’s new ownership of the rights to the proposed wind farm.

If the proposal proceeds the wind farm would become one of the largest renewable energy projects in the Southern Hemisphere.

There has been a lot of talk about the proposal in the media and around town, so to get some facts, it’s probably worth attending the session.

Cheers, Jane D

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Sunset Networking Event - 7th May 2012

logo from BHCC website
Regional Development Australia and the Broken Hill Chamber of Commerce are hosting the Sunset Networking Event on Monday evening 7th May between 5 pm and 7 pm.  The venue is upstairs at the Broken Hill Regional Art Gallery 404-408 Argent Street, Broken Hill.
The session is designed for business owners who want to learn how to be ready for big projects coming to the Far West.

logo from AusIndustry website
Keynote speakers include Jim Hickey the principal of LJ Hooker Broken Hill and Consolidated Mining & Civil director Steve Radford.  Representatives of AusIndustry will also provide an outline of their organisations programs focusing especially on clean technology. 
There will be a question and answer session at the end of the talks.
It promises to be an interesting evening.  Don’t forget to let us know what you thought of the event if you manage to get along on the night.
For further details contact 08 8087 8383 or email admin@rdafarwestnsw.org.au.
Cheers, Jane D