
ilovebrokenhill.com , was first published on 8 December 2011 by Jane Deany. My blog is all about the famous outback Australian National Heritage Listed City named Broken Hill, located in the state of New South Wales. I first visited #BrokenHill in 2002 and have returned many times since then. ilovebrokenhill.com will help you discover what's great about this historic mining city, where in the mid 1880's the line of lode, a rich ore body of silver, lead and zinc was found. You will find stories about anything related to Broken Hill.

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Broken Hill Outback Open Art Prize 2013 shortlisted finalists include ...

2011 Outback Art Prize winning entry by
Janine Mackintosh, image courtesy artist
'Droughts and Flooding Rains'
Art Scene
The annual Broken Hill Outback Open Art Prize exhibition is on again. NB this Broken Hill Regional Art Gallery link takes you to the winning entries, as they were announced the day after this post.

Final judging of the 44 finalists (see shortlisted artist's names and entries listed below) for the 2013 Outback Art Prize is to be held at the Broken Hill Regional Art Gallery (BHRAG) tomorrow, 5 July 2013. The winners will be announced at the gallery the same day and the artworks will then be exhibited between 6 July and 18 August 2013.

NOTE: You can find the results, since  announced, via my post of 5 July 2013, see link here.

More about the prize.
The main prize is acquisitive, and the winner will receive $15,000. Second prize is non-acquisitive $2,500, and there is an Encouragement Award of $800.  Also, for the first time there will be a People's Choice Award (non financial).

The names of the finalists are listed below.

Outback Open Art Prize 2013 - Shortlist

Ross Booker, Illara Creek 0321, 2013

Betty Bray, Earth Rhythm 1, 2013

Rose Burke, Outback Fences, 2013

Liz Caffin, Flap, 2013

Liz Cuming, Kimberley Moment, 2013

Jodi Daley, Dingo, 2013

Geoff DeMain, Umberumberka, 2013

Jeanette Dyson, Black Soil Plains, 2012

Wendy Epp, This Ancient Land, 2013

David Frazer, Waiting for Rain, 2013

Wendy Grace, Early Evening, 2013

Margaret Gurney, The Falls, Kakadu, 2012

Kathryn Hede, Rolling Fog - Early Morning, 2013

Rebecca Hillis, Devils Marbles, 2013

Boris Hlavica, White Ants, 2012

Bob Jankowski, Subsiding Transition, 2013

Anne Kern, Horse Powered Whim, 2012

Helene Leane, Flaming Land, 2013

Denise Lithgow, From the Summer House, 2013

Tracy Luff, Paddocks II, 2013

Robert MacLaurin, Hidden Gorge in the High Country, 2012

Chris McClelland, Arkaba Station Creek, Flinders Ranges, 2012

Annette Minchin, Under the Net, 2013

Vincent Namatjira, Albert Namatjira Camping, 2013

Geoff Overheu, Stop Pause, 2012

Sarah Park, Burnt Tranquility, 2012

Jim Paterson, Untitled, 2013

Dallas Perry, Via Mildura, 2013

Matthew Quick, The Lost Tribe, 2013

Colin Radford, Back to Bare Metal, 2012

Elliat Rich, Urban Billy, 2013

Tricia Ross, What Wasn't There, 2012

Susan Severino, Covering Land, 2013

Gary Shinfield, Crossing Water, 2012

Crystal Stubbs, Shifting Landscape, 2013

Chris Stubbs, Missing Pieces, Mutawintji Yellow Foot, 2013

Ian Tully, Personal Mobile Broadband Satellite Receiver, 2013

Christine Vella, The Place, 2013

Steffie Wallace, Summer Storm Alice Springs, 2013

Patricia Walsh, Desert Gold - The Merging of Cooper Creek with Lake Eyre, 2013

Dot Wilkin, Pink Panorama Fowlers Gap, 2012

Wayne Williams, Old Farmcote Shearing Shed Bench, 2012

Patricia Williamsz, Trekking in the McDonnell Ranges, 2012

Tim Winters, Pinnacles Desert, 2013

Regional Art Gallery: 404 - 408 Argent Street, Broken Hill  NSW  2880

The BHRAG is open daily.  Monday - Friday 10am - 5pm, Saturday and Sunday 11am - 4pm.

Entry by gold coin donation.

Enquiries - 08 8080 3440

Last year's winner was Rick Ball. My post this evening will have an image of his wonderful artwork. I wrote a couple of articles about Rick and the Outback Open Art Prize from last year on 10 August and 7 August see the highlighted links to both those posts.

Stay tuned for the 2013 winner's name, to be officially announced around 6.30pm tomorrow.

Good luck to all the entrants, cheers, Jane Deany

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