
ilovebrokenhill.com , was first published on 8 December 2011 by Jane Deany. My blog is all about the famous outback Australian National Heritage Listed City named Broken Hill, located in the state of New South Wales. I first visited #BrokenHill in 2002 and have returned many times since then. ilovebrokenhill.com will help you discover what's great about this historic mining city, where in the mid 1880's the line of lode, a rich ore body of silver, lead and zinc was found. You will find stories about anything related to Broken Hill.

Saturday, 8 December 2012

i love broken hill ... it's the 1st anniversary

Mine Head Frame
Today marks the 1st anniversary of my www.ilovebrokenhill.com blog.  I have had a lot of story ideas over the past year, met and chatted to many Broken Hill locals and found the whole process a lot of fun, very rewarding and interesting.  I have never run out of story ideas as there always seems to be something going on in Broken Hill to write about.  I have learned a lot over this past year and must thank everyone who has generously given me their time to help me and also the "Barrier Daily Truth" which has provided an endless source of information.

I really look forward to researching and writing more stories in the coming year.

Cheers, Jane D

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