
ilovebrokenhill.com , was first published on 8 December 2011 by Jane Deany. My blog is all about the famous outback Australian National Heritage Listed City named Broken Hill, located in the state of New South Wales. I first visited #BrokenHill in 2002 and have returned many times since then. ilovebrokenhill.com will help you discover what's great about this historic mining city, where in the mid 1880's the line of lode, a rich ore body of silver, lead and zinc was found. You will find stories about anything related to Broken Hill.

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Patton Village Summer Vibes Festival 30.11.12-27.01.13 Sth Broken Hill

Publicity Brochure from
'Summer Vibes' website
Don't miss the Summer Vibes Festival which begins this Friday 30 November at Patton Park, Patton Street, South Broken Hill, (opposite the local shops in Patton Street).

I know a lot of work has gone into it as I have been reading about it over the past months in the local "Barrier Daily Truth" newspaper and ABC Broken Hill website.

ABC Broken Hill will play a short film "Big Dreams for New Generation" to kick off the festival's nine week line up of films on this festival opening night.

From ABC Broken Hill's website I've sourced the following -

"Big Dreams for New Generation was produced as part of ABC Open's DreamBox project and showcases dreams collected from the students of Alma Public School during last year's NAIDOC Week.

This fantastic film along with over fifteen others about life in the Broken Hill region will be screened as part of the Summer Vibes Festival at Patton Park, South Broken Hill; Every Friday evening from 30 November to 27 January; and at Coburn Hotel on 26 January."

Festival Dates:     30 November 2012 - 27 January 2013

ABC Open Broken Hill's short film  8.30 - 8.35 pm Friday 30 November

Where:                   Patton Park, Patton Street, South Broken Hill

Website:                www.summervibes.org.au

Patton Village is running the event.

It sounds like a lot of fun. There will be a lot on. I suggest you check out their website for events and more information.  I hope I can make it to some of the events.

Cheers, Jane D

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